Archive for July, 2005

Alive and kicking…

Posted: July 11, 2005 in Automotive, General, Jeep, Wedding

I’m alive and kicking, but just overloaded with life. A short update:

* Went to a party on the Cape two weekends ago to celebrate the end of Cara’s internship.
* Went to Cara’s fathers wedding the day after the party
* Moved a bunch of stuff into my apartment from Cara’s old place (including two cats) the day after that
* Moved a ferret and additional things on the day after that (the Fourth of July).
* Worked a lot.
* Spent the last Saturday moving the remainder of Cara’s things from her old place.
* Spent the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday cleaning, repositioning and throwing out the things in my place.

Of course mixed in with all of this has been general wedding planning which has included sending lots of money to lots of people, calling up other people and generally just trying to keep sane.

I drove my Jeep a couple times in the last week, but I seem to be getting 0 oil pressure which is a little scary. I’m hoping it’s either the oil filter is clogged up something serious (It’s been 4000 miles and 7 months since the last oil change) or the sensor is bad. Thankfully I don’t have to drive it on a daily basis.

The big day is impending, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t make another blog entry until we get back from our honeymoon.