Archive for October, 2009

That Pool is a Dump

Posted: October 4, 2009 in General, House

As a pool owner, probably the biggest fear you have is that one day, a catastrophic failure will dump the contents of your pool in a matter of minutes. Today that fear was realized for Cara and I.

The story starts months ago when I got home from work and the pool pump wasn’t running. For over a week the pool pump was off (and the pool turned a nice shade of green), then I was able to get it limping along which helped it from turning into a complete cesspool, however it wasn’t really up and running until a few weeks ago. By then it was time to close the pool, but before I could do that, I had to return it to a somewhat clean status.


The Format of Rock

Posted: October 2, 2009 in General

As soon as you get serious about a musical instrument you start to think about music differently. You tear apart songs into their components and begin to listen to the intricacies that are contained within. I wouldn’t say that the enjoyment is any different than for those who don’t play an instrument (I might even suggest that ignorance is bliss).
